
Quick Overview

This glossary defines key terms related to constitutional law and governance.


The glossary contains essential terms such as 'Apartheid', 'Constitution', and 'Treason', providing clear definitions that are crucial for understanding the context of constitutional discussions.



This glossary provides definitions of critical terms that are foundational in the study of constitutional law and political governance. Understanding these terms is essential for comprehending the broader discussions and implications within a constitution's framework.

  • Apartheid: A system of institutionalized racial segregation and discrimination in South Africa from 1948 until the early 1990s.
  • Clause: A distinct section within a legal document that addresses a specific point or requirement.
  • Constituent Assembly: A body of representatives tasked with drafting or amending a constitution for a country.
  • Constitution: The supreme law of a nation that outlines the fundamental principles governing its political system and society.
  • Constitutional amendment: A formal change or addition to the constitution, reflecting the evolving needs and values of society.
  • Draft: An initial or preliminary version of a legal document that is subject to modification prior to finalization.
  • Philosophy: The set of underlying principles that guide individual or collective thoughts and actions.
  • Preamble: The introductory section of a constitution that outlines its guiding values and the rationale for its creation.
  • Treason: The act of betraying or attempting to overthrow one’s government, punishable by law.
  • Tryst: A prearranged meeting or appointment between individuals, often with a romantic connotation.

Key Concepts

  • Apartheid: A system of institutionalized racial segregation in South Africa.

  • Clause: A section of a legal document.

  • Constituent Assembly: A gathering of representatives to draft a constitution.

  • Constitution: The supreme law governing a nation.

  • Constitutional amendment: A formal change to a constitution.

  • Draft: An initial version of a legal document.

  • Philosophy: Fundamental principles guiding actions.

  • Preamble: An introductory statement outlining the values of a constitution.

  • Treason: The act of betraying one’s country.

  • Tryst: A scheduled meeting.

Memory Aids

🎡 Rhymes Time

  • Apartheid, oh what a blight, caused much despair, took away right.

πŸ“– Fascinating Stories

  • Once upon a time in a land called South Africa, a policy called Apartheid separated people by color, creating a vast divide until it was eventually overcome.

🧠 Other Memory Gems

  • Remember the acronym CRAFT for 'Clause', 'Rights', 'Amendment', 'Fundamental', and 'Treason'.

🎯 Super Acronyms

PCT for 'Preamble', 'Constitution', 'Treason'. These can help recall the foundational concepts of governance.


  • A country that had apartheid was South Africa, where laws enforced racial separation.

  • A clause in a constitution might define the rights of citizens.

Glossary of Terms

  • Term: Apartheid


    The official policy of racial separation and ill treatment of blacks followed by the government of South Africa between 1948 and 1989.

  • Term: Clause


    A distinct section of a document.

  • Term: Constituent Assembly


    An assembly of people’s representatives that writes a constitution for a country.

  • Term: Constitution


    Supreme law of a country, containing fundamental rules governing the politics and society in a country.

  • Term: Constitutional amendment


    A change in the constitution made by the supreme legislative body in a country.

  • Term: Draft


    A preliminary version of a legal document.

  • Term: Philosophy


    The most fundamental principles underlying one’s thoughts and actions.

  • Term: Preamble


    An introductory statement in a constitution which states the reasons and guiding values of the constitution.

  • Term: Treason


    The offence of attempting to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance.

  • Term: Tryst


    A meeting or meeting place that has been agreed upon.