
Quick Overview

This section explains that matter is composed of particles that have space between them, allowing for various physical interactions and behaviors.


Matter is defined as anything that occupies space and has mass. This section elaborates on the concept that all types of matter are made up of particles that possess space between them. Activities such as dissolving salt in water and observing diffusion provide evidence that these particles move and intermingle, reinforcing the idea that there is enough space between them for interaction.


Particles of Matter Have Space Between Them

Matter, defined as anything that occupies space and has mass, consists of numerous particles. Ancient philosophers classified matter into basic elements, while modern science splits them based on physical and chemical properties. This section emphasizes that particles of matter have space between them, illustrated through activities demonstrating how substances like salt dissolve and diffuse in water. For example, adding salt to water doesn't increase the water level, showing that salt particles fit into the spaces between water molecules. Another activity involves diluting potassium permanganate, revealing how a few particles can color larger volumes of water, underscoring the minuscule size of matter's particles. The section also highlights that particles are in constant motion, and this degree of motion increases with temperature, influencing behavior such as diffusion. Overall, the existence of space between particles is foundational to understanding how matter interacts.

Key Concepts

  • Matter is anything that occupies space and has mass.

  • Matter is made up of particles that have space between them.

  • Particles of matter are in constant motion, and this movement increases with temperature.

  • Diffusion is the process by which particles intermix due to their movement.

Memory Aids

🎵 Rhymes Time

  • Matter occupies space, has mass, it's true, all around you, it moves too!

📖 Fascinating Stories

  • Imagine a busy city where cars represent particles, moving fast in the heat, squeezing into spaces between each other to reach their destinations, just like particles do in matter.

🧠 Other Memory Gems

  • P.E.M. - Particles Everywhere Move!

🎯 Super Acronyms

D.M.S.P. - Diffusion Means Spreading Particles.


  • Dissolving salt in water demonstrates that there is space between water particles.

  • Diluting a solution of potassium permanganate shows how particles can disperse throughout a larger volume.

Glossary of Terms

  • Term: Matter


    Anything that occupies space and has mass.

  • Term: Particles


    Small constituents of matter held together by forces of attraction.

  • Term: Diffusion


    The process of particles intermingling due to motion, often making substances mix evenly.

  • Term: Kinetic Energy


    The energy possessed by an object due to its motion; in this context, it relates to the movement of particles.

  • Term: Concentration


    The abundance of a constituent divided by the total volume of a mixture.