4. Working of Institutions

  • 4

    Working Of Institutions

    This section explores how institutions in a democracy function, focusing on the roles of the legislature, executive, and judiciary in decision-making and governance.

  • 4.1

    How Is A Major Policy Decision Taken ?

    This section explores the process behind making significant policy decisions in a democracy, particularly focusing on the Government of India and its institutions.

  • 4.2


    This section discusses the essential role of Parliament in the decision-making process in a democracy, highlighting its powers and how it influences government actions.

  • 4.3

    Political Executive

    This section defines the political executive within the context of a democratic government, highlighting the roles of the elected officials and the civil services.

  • 4.3.1

    Political And Permanent Executive

    This section explores the distinctions between the political executive, which is elected for a specific period, and the permanent executive, which comprises appointed civil servants who support the political executive.

  • 4.3.2

    Prime Minister And Council Of Ministers

    This section discusses the roles and responsibilities of the Prime Minister and the Council of Ministers in India's parliamentary democracy.

  • 4.3.3

    Powers Of The Prime Minister

    The section outlines the key powers and responsibilities of the Prime Minister in India, emphasizing their role as the head of the government and the importance of the Cabinet system.

  • 4.3.4

    The President

    The section discusses the role and powers of the President of India, emphasizing their nominal position within a parliamentary democracy.

  • 4.4

    The Judiciary

    The section outlines the functions, independence, and significance of the judiciary in a democracy, particularly focusing on its role in upholding the Constitution and resolving disputes.

  • Key Summary

    The chapter discusses the functioning of key institutions in a democracy, highlighting the roles of the legislature, executive, and judiciary in decision-making processes. It illustrates how a significant policy decision, such as the reservation for socially and educationally backward classes, is made and implemented, underscoring the interplay between these institutions. Finally, it examines the importance of these institutions for ensuring democratic governance and resolving disputes.

    Key Takeaways

    • Institutions in a democracy follow rules and procedures for decision-making.
    • Major decisions are influenced and implemented through a complex interplay of the legislature, executive, and judiciary.
    • An independent judiciary is essential for maintaining democratic principles and protecting citizens' rights.

    Key Concepts

    • Legislature: An assembly of elected representatives with the power to enact laws for a country.
    • Executive: A body of persons having authority to initiate majors policies, make decisions, and implement them based on the Constitution and laws of the country.
    • Judiciary: An institution empowered to administer justice and provide a mechanism for resolving legal disputes.
    • Office Memorandum: A communication issued by an appropriate authority stating the policy or decision of the government.
    • Reservations: A policy that reserves specific employment and educational opportunities for disadvantaged and backward communities.